If you saw the title and thought "oh my gosh they have the cast of This is Us!", well....you couldn't be more wrong. But we now have SEGMENTS!
Things you might (ok, actually WILL) hear on the podcast....
-If we release this and you get murdered we’re gonna look really dumb.
-Your poop cycles are synced.
-I wish there was a really not weird way to be friends with Caitlin Clark.
If you know us then that surprises none of you.
Alyssa talks about her girls trip to middle of nowhere Iowa (what could possibly happen?), Ryan talks about pouch (you just have to listen) and Jeremy talks LifePlans. And other than that, we have SEGMENTS! You'll have to listen to find out what they are though.
And for more information on Jeremy, Ryan and Alyssa check out www.the2911group.com/podcast.